Tuesday, November 22, 2011


- The 78th infantry (Warrior) Battalion traces its roots from the now defunct 5th Scout Ranger Battalion (5SRB). Pursuant to General Orders No. 37, Headquarters Philippine Army, dated 30 January 1988.

- The 5SRB, FSSR, PA was activated effective 16 February 1988.

- Initially based at Fort Andres Bonifacio, Makati City

- Strength - seven (7) officers and one hundred thirty eight (138) enlisted personnel coming from the existing four (4) battalions and ten (10) independent companies of FSRR.

- Dispatched for combat duty in the provinces of Nueva Vizcaya, Pangasinan, Quezon and Laguna, in Luzon.

- In 1989, 5SRB’s troop fill-up reached a total of seventeen (17) officers and three hundred forty (340) enlisted personnel, representing HHSC, Alpha and Bravo companies.

- In the middle of CY 1989, 5SRB then the National Maneuver Force of Philippine Army in Luzon, was redeployed in Negros Island in the Visayas. 

- Operated in CHICKS area – Candoni, Hinoba-an, Ilog, Cauyan, Kabankalan and Sipalay municipalities in Negros Occidental. Later on the unit operated in central parts of Negros, specifically in the towns of Murcia, Talisay and Manapla, and Silay City.

            - In 01 Jan 90, the 5SRB was unfilled and subsequently renamed 78th Infantry Battalion, an organic unit of 3ID, PA, pursuant to GO No. 542, HPA Army, dated 21 Dec 89.

- FSRR was dissolved when its units figured prominently in the failed coup d’ etat attempt in 1989.

- As an infantry battalion, the troop fill-up was increased to twenty (20) officers and four hundred thirty two (432) enlisted personnel.

- Charlie Company was organized effective 01 January 1991, while Delta Company (Provisional) followed suit on 01 July 1991. However, Delta Company was later dissolved in February 1993.

- The newly activated 78IB was given an AOR covering the municipalities of Calatrava, Toboso, Escalante, part of Sagay, portion of Cadiz, and San Carlos City, all of Negros Occidental, and the municipalities of Vallehermoso, northern part of Guihulngan and Canlaon City of Negros Oriental.

- Sometime 1994, the unit underwent battalion retraining at Calatrava, and moved to its new AOR in the southern part of Negros Island; the municipalities of Basay, Hinobaan, Ilog and portion of Kabangkalan and Sipalay. For five (5) years and seven (7) months the unit operated with distinction against the Communist Terrorists (CTs) in Negros Island.

- After the ASG attack at Ipil, Zamboanga del Sur, the unit was redeployed in Mindanao. The redeployment of 78IB outside Negros Island was also due partly to DILG’s plan to make Negros Island a pilot project wherein the PNP will assume lead role in ISO.
- In southern Mindanao, 78IB was given the specific task of securing vital installations of 9th Military Support Point (9MSP) in Zamboanga City while serving as Rapid Deployment Force (RDF) of SOUTHCOM, AFP, based in Zamboanga City.

- MILF threat in central Mindanao made higher headquarters redeploy 78IB in the province of Maguindanao.  Its new AOR comprised five (5) barangays of Sultan Sa Barongis, which include among others Reina Regente mountain range, a known MILF stronghold in central Mindanao for 20 years. The unit had its baptism of fire in Mindanao at Brgy Sapakan, Sultan Sa Barongis, Maguindanao.

- 27 February 1996, the fierce 78IB troopers successfully captured Camps Wato, Didagen and Logpond in the hills of Reina Regente, Sultan Sa Barongis, Maguindanao.

- In 15 Jun 97, participated in anti-kidnapping campaign of 6ID Infantry Division in central Mindanao, which resulted to the rescue of forty three (43) PNOC personnel at Brgy Kabasalan, Pikit, North Cotabato.

- This incident triggered the first joint military offensive against the MILF, which led to the capture of Camp Raja Muda. In that same year, the newly formed MILF Internal Security Force tried to regain Reina Regente, but was easily repulsed by 78IB troopers and did not attempt to retake again after the failure.

- In Oct 98, participated in the first ever offensive waged against the MILF elements at Camp Omar, located between Datu Piang and Shariff Aguak in Maguindanao.
- The following month, participated in another major engagement against the MILF at bridges of Brgy Labo-labo. The successful operation led to the establishment of government control over the national highway in the area, then under control by MILF.
- In 1999, the unit was part of the successful military offensive under Task Group Charlie, 6ID at Talayan and Datu Piang, Maguindanao that neutralized and cleared numerous MILF positions along the national highway. The troops also participated in the operation that neutralized newly established camp of 108th Brigade, BIAF at Brgy Simsiman, Columbio, Sultan Kudarat.

- 30 Mar 00, from 6ID AOR, the unit was redeployed at 4ID after the MILF attacked the town of Kauswagan, Lanao Del Norte.

- The Battalion established temporary camp at Brgy Libertad, Kauswagan, Lanao del Norte, and participated in the following operations in Lanao provinces:  Agus IV, Baloi, Poona Piagapo and Munai complex in Lanao del Sur, and; Camp Al Madinah, Marugong, Lanao del Norte.

- 78IB also showed its mettle when it was designated as one of the maneuver battalions during the AFP offensive in August 2000 that led to the capture of MILF’s main headquarters Camp Abu Bakar.
- End of 3rd qtr 2000 returned to Panay Island for retraining on September 2000.

- In 12 January 2001, moved from Panay Island to nearby Negros Island, with its HQ at Brgy Burgos, Cadiz City. It operated in the towns / cities of Sagay, Escalante, Toboso, Cadiz, Manapla, Victorias, Calatrava and Don Salvador Benidicto, all of Negros Occidental.

- a year later, was redeployed in the island province of Bohol in 04 March 2002, with its AOR covering the municipalities of Getafe, Trinidad, Danao, Sagbayan, Tubigon, Buenavista, Talibon, Dagohoy and Carmen. The unit conducted series of SOT (Special Operations Team) operations in Bohol.

- In 09 June 2002, left Bohol for the province of Cebu Bn HQ was established at Brgy Damolog, Sogod, with area of operations (AO) covering the city of Danao and fourteen (14) municipalities of Daan Bantayan, Medellin, Bogo, San Remigio, Tabogon, Borbon, Tabuelan, Sogod, Catmon, Carmen, Compostela, Consolacion,  Tuburan, Asturias and Balamban.

- December 2004, the Bn established temporary MCP (Main Command Post) at Brgy Tubigagmanok, Asturias.

- In May 2005, the unit established HQ   at Brgy Nangka, Balamban after its planned redeployment to Panay Island did not push through. The troops also prepared in August 2005, for strike mission in Bohol to fill-in the vacuum left by 1SRB, however, the plan did not materialize. Instead, only one (1) company (Bravo) was brought in Bohol sometime September 2005. Bravo Company rejoined the Battalion in March 2006, after a successful stint in Bilar, Bohol.   

- On 17 May 2007, Alpha Company left Cebu island for its scheduled retraining at 3DTU Camp Macario Peralta Jr, Jamindan, Capiz.

- July 2007, the troops returned back to Cebu and reoccupied their former command post in Brgy Dungguan, Danao City, Cebu.

- On 04 August 2007, Alpha Company redeployed in Bohol and placed OPCON to 302Bde.

- On 10 January 2008, Alpha Coy returned to Cebu

 1st Quarter of 2008, Alpha Coy was pulled-out from Cebu on the last week of April and placed OPCON to 301st Bde for ISO campaign in Panay Island.

- On 26 August 2008, Bravo Coy was relocated from its former location at Brgy Pansoy, Sogod, Cebu (Mid-North) to Brgy Mantalongon, Barili, Cebu (Mid-South) and assumed the entire Southern Cebu as Area of Operation.

- 30 Aug 08, Alpha Coy was pulled-out in Panay Island and reoccupied its former AOR including the area vacated by Bravo Coy, from Consolacion up to Daan Bantayan in the Far-North, Cebu.   

- On the 2nd quarter of 2008, Cebu was assumed by 8ID from the 3ID in terms of delineation of AOR and placed the unit under operational control of the 802nd Brigade, 8ID, PA.

- 01 April, 2009, 78th Infantry (Warrior) Battalion was subsequently absorbed by the 8th Infantry (STORMTROOPERS) Division, Philippine Army, while 62nd Infantry Battalion of 8ID was absorbed by the 3rd Infantry (SPEARHEAD) Division, Philippine Army as replacement, pursuant to GO Nr 226, HPA dated 14 April 2009.

In 2009, active CT members from SEF, KR-SB based in Negros and Bohol islands surrender to this unit.

-     Last qtr of 2009, SECCOM-Cebu was dismantle..   

- On 01 March 2010, Internal Security Operation (ISO) in the province of Cebu was formally turned-over to the Cebu Provincial Peace and Order Council (PPOC) after Cebu was declared an “Insurgency Free” Province.

- May 2010, supported the national and local elections in the country in terms of security and joint checkpoint operations with the PNP.

- On 13 June 2010, conducted DRRO when a vehicular accident took place along Brgy Cansomoroy, Balamban, Cebu of the Balamban – Cebu Transcentral Highway. A total of twenty four (24) injured passengers were evacuated/re-evacuated to the hospitals while twenty one (21) dead bodies retrieved/recovered from the bus wreckage and transported to the memorial homes for funeral services.

- Oct 2010, supported the Comelec and PNP in the conduct of honest, orderly, peaceful and credible local election in the province of Cebu.

- Oct 18 – Dec 17, 2010, the BN underwent battalion retraining

- Jan 17, 2011, the unit headed the Joint Task Force Grand Sinulog 2011 held at Cebu City as in-charge of the more or less 10,000 crowd control contingents from Metro Cebu based AFP units, ROTC cadets, students who are taking Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS) and other organization capable to crowd control tasks. More or less three (3) million people attended the festivities.

- Feb, 20, 2011, C Coy was pulled-out and redeploy in Leyte to fast track the clearing of Front Committee Leyte.

a. Rad msg from Comdr, 3ID, PA Cnr 3D3-Orgn-1604-785-2009.
            b. GO Nr 226, HPA dated 14 April 09
Unit assignment of the following Infantry Battalions:

1.   78th Infantry (Warrior) Battalion, 3rd Infantry (Spearhead) Division, Philippine Army was transferred to 8th Infantry (Storm Troopers) Division, Philippine Army effective 01 April 2009.
2.   62nd Infantry Battalion, 8th Infantry (Storm Troopers) Division, Philippine Army was transferred to 3rd Infantry (Spearhead) Division, Philippine Army eff 01 Apr 09.

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